Our LC/MS portfolio offers a full range of products — including high-purity solvents, mobile phase blends and standards — that deliver smooth baselines, reduce interference and increase confidence in your analysis.
A new solvent grade, Optima UHPLC/MS, for mobile phases targeting trace analysis. Achieve a very low-mass noise level in both positive and negative mode ionization, minimal metal ion content and very low UHPLC/UV response using photo diode array detection.
Raw material screening, optimized distillation processes and packaging innovations help to maintain a higher purity. Quality by design manufacturing ensures quality in every bottle. Achieve interference-free baseline during trace analysis of standards.
With more than 5,000 options, the Fisher Chemical portfolio of dry reagents, acids, solutions and high-purity solvents stands ready to support the endless possibilities of your research.
Since the early part of the 20th century, Fisher Chemical has been a part of Fisher Scientific, serving the science community with chemicals for research applications. Our years of experience, along with our team of highly knowledgeable and dedicated people, bring you the highest level of customer service, technical assistance and fast, accurate delivery.
Manufactured in ISO 9001:2008-certified facilities, each Fisher Chemical product undergoes rigorous quality assurance and testing measures that ensure excellent lot-to-lot and bottle-to-bottle consistency.