Explore reagents for determining the nutritional value and quality of food and testing for trace contaminants to ensure food safety.
Read about our new solvent grade, UHPLC-MS Optima, for mobile phases targeting trace analysis by UHPLC-MS.
Learn more about this grade of methylene chloride that will provide interference-free analysis.
Our Specialized Chemical Services provide tailored chemical solutions and services required in research, scale up, development and production.
The Fisher Chemical Histology Brochure includes a product selection guide for: fixation, processing, embedding, sectioning and staining.
Use the Fisher Chemical Solvents Application Guide to find solvent products, solvent packaging and solvent delivery systems.
Fisher Chemical specialized solvent blends have been developed for use in liquid chromatography mass spectrometry and are ideal for cutting-edge research applications.
Read about the key features and packaging advantages of Fisher Chemical tracemetal grade acids and bases.
Our Specialized Chemical Services provide tailored chemical solutions and services required in research, scale up, development and production.
Learn how Fisher Chemical Aqualine Karl Fischer Reagents can provide accurate water content determination.
Cara Cesario, Product Manager for Optima LC/MS Solvents, discusses how Optima solvents and blended solvents save researchers time and money, allowing them to focus on the research. Additionally, Cara reviews Specialized Chemical Services, allowing customers to order a custom blended chemical or solvent.
Find the perfect solvent match! Your highly-calibrated scanning machinery deserves high-purity, high-intensity solvents to limit metal content and background peaks. Stop looking for solvents in all the wrong places, and find perfect chemistry with Fisher Chemical Optima.