Respirator Fit Testing
It’s not enough to have the right safety equipment. To promote long-term safety in your work environment, you need to keep that equipment in the best operating condition possible—a goal that can only be achieved with proper, timely service.
Invest your time wisely. Let Fisher Scientific Safety Services perform your next employee qualitative and/or quantitative fit testing.
Services We Offer
Respirator Facepieces
- Factory-recommended/required regulatory inspections with documented results
- Minor repairs and adjustments
- Cleaning and sanitizing
Respirator Fit Testing
Fisher Scientific Safety Services technicians offer qualitative and quantitative fit testing per Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration (OSHA) 29CFR1910.134.
According to the OSHA, there are four qualitative fit test methods accepted by OSHA:
- Isoamyl acetate, which smells like bananas
- Saccharin, which leaves a sweet taste in your mouth
- Bitrex, which leaves a bitter taste in your mouth
- Irritant smoke, which can cause coughing
Quantitative fit testing utilizes equipment to detect leakage into the facepiece rather than the senses or irritation. Respirators that can be fit tested using this method feature a probe that connects to the equipment. OSHA accepts three types of quantitative fit test methods:
- Generated aerosol
- Ambient aerosol
- Controlled negative pressure
Brands We Service
Fisher Scientific Safety Services
Speciality Programs
U.S. Navy
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Contact Us
Our call center is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST. +1 866-822-2723 or contact the service team.