The ImmPRESS-HRP Anti-Mouse IgG (Horseradish Peroxidase) Polymer Detection Kit is made in horse and targets mouse primary antibodies. This IHC staining system uses novel conjugation chemistry to create a highly sensitive, ready-to-use, one-step, biotin-free detection system. (A combination of highly active enzyme (peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase) and affinity-purified secondary antibodies results in crisp, strong staining. The ImmPRESS micropolymer technology minimizes steric interference and provides enhanced accessibility to the primary antibody targets. The IHC immunostaining protocol is simple. Following a blocking step with 2.5% horse serum, sections are incubated with primary antibody. After a brief wash, the appropriate ImmPRESS Reagent is added to the sections and incubated for 30 minutes. Sections are again rinsed and the slides are developed with a peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase substrate. The ImmPRESS Reagent is ready-to-use and stains 250-500 sections.