NI-712 packs the oil of a whopping 6,000 oranges into each 16-oz container. No kidding! It eliminates the worst odors in 3.5 seconds! Even skunk odors disappear in seconds. Super-concentrated; one spray keeps an average room odor-free for up to eight hours. Unlike most store in. air fresheners, NI-712 actually eliminates odor, it doesn't just cover it up. NI-712 eliminates the most pungent airborne odors: smoke odor from cigars and cigarettes, spoiled food, fish odor, cooking odors, medical condition odors, incontinence odors, urine odor, pet odor, vomit and many other foul smelling odors. Use NI-712 virtually anywhere to eliminate airborne odors: restrooms, lobbies, hotels, daycare facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, pet care and much more!