Water quality standards suitable for use as reference material for assaying concentrations of pollutants such as trace metals, nitrites, oil and grease, surfactants, and other materials.
This Certified Reference Material (CRM) is produced and certified in accordance with ISO 17034 and ISO/IEC 17025. All information regarding the use of this CRM can be found on the certificate of analysis.
Up to 68 elements are scanned with found values for ICP and ICP-MS standards. The found value of the trace metallic impurities is reported on the Certificate of Analysis.
Name Note
Groundwater and Wastewater Pollution Control Check Standard
Concentration or Composition (by Analyte or Components)
Components in 2% HNO3: Ba •500μg/mL Ca •500μg/mL Mg •100μg/mL Mo •500μg/mL K •100μg/mL Na •500μg/mL
For Use With (Equipment)
AA, ICP, ICP/MS, IC, XRF, and Other Analytical Instrumentation