Fisher HealthCare Safety Solutions


Featured Products

About Fisher HealthCare Safety

Our goal is to help minimize the risk of injury or illness to laboratory workers by providing the safety equipment needed to protect against a variety of laboratory safety hazards. Whether you're performing basic laboratory procedures, containing a spill or handling broken glassware, the risk of injury is ever-present. Having access to the proper safety equipment is critical for the protection of healthcare personnel.

Lab Safety

Protecting What Matters Most

Fisher HealthCare is the one source that combines the right products, services and experience to protect what matters most.

  • More than 75,000 safety products
  • 1,000 leading safety suppliers
  • Dedicated team of sales and customer support professionals
  • Convenient online ordering

Please note:

Although Fisher HealthCare is able to suggest a number of products that may fit your needs, always be sure to contact your facility's safety professional to determine the specific risks faced by your organization and the appropriate safety equipment for those risks.

Featured Products

Anatomical Pathology

Chemical Safety

General Laboratory

Infection Control

When it comes to infection control, are you Protecting What Matters Most in your facility? Fisher HealthCare can help.

Work with infectious agents in clinical and diagnostic laboratories has expanded. Biological agents include bacteria, viruses, fungi, other microorganisms and their associated toxins. They have the ability to adversely affect human health in a variety of ways, ranging from relatively mild, allergic reactions to serious medical conditions, even death. Fisher HealthCare understands the critical risks associated with biological agents and carries a wide variety of safety products to address these hazards.

Please note: 

Although Fisher HealthCare is able to suggest a number of products that may fit your needs, always be sure to contact your facility's safety professional to determine the specific risks faced by your organization and the appropriate safety equipment for those risks.

Featured Products


Respiratory Infection Control

General Infection Control Safety

Emergency Preparedness

When it comes to emergency preparedness, are you Protecting What Matters Most in your facility? Fisher HealthCare can help.

Having access to the proper safety equipment is critical for the protection of healthcare professionals. Fisher HealthCare carries a wide variety of emergency preparedness safety products for triage, trauma care, immobilization, personal protective equipment and infection control- we have you covered.

Please note: 

Although Fisher HealthCare is able to suggest a number of products that may fit your needs, always be sure to contact your facility's safety professional to determine the specific risks faced by your organization and the appropriate safety equipment for those risks.

Featured Products

Hazard PPE

Respiratory Safety

Emergency Response Support Essentials

    Controlled Environment

    When it comes to maintaining controlled environments, are you Protecting What Matters Most in your facility? Fisher HealthCare can help.

    Fisher HealthCare carries numerous safety products designed for maintaining protocols associated with controlled environments. Listed below are some common products we offer for controlled environment work.

    Please note: 

    Although Fisher HealthCare is able to suggest a number of products that may fit your needs, always be sure to contact your facility's safety professional to determine the specific risks faced by your organization and the appropriate safety equipment for those risks.

    Featured Products


    General Controlled Environment Essentials

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