Trademark Trademark Holder
P450-Glo Promega Corporation
P84 Inspec Fibers
PA20 E.D. Bullard
PAA GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
Pac Draeger Safety
Pac Ex Draeger Safety
PAC III Draeger Safety
PACE Brinkmann Instruments
PACE The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
Pacific Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pacific Blue Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pacific Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pacific Hemostasis Fisher Scientific
Pacific Orange Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pack and Pop Jackson Safety
Packagene Promega Corporation
Packard Packard Instrument Co.
Pack-Rectangular Mitsubishi
Pac-Man Namco Ltd.
pAd/BLOCK-iT Thermo Fisher Scientific
pAd/CMV/V5-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
pAd/PL-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
Padl-pet Thermo Fisher Scientific
PadMop Micronova Manufacturing
PageBlue Thermo Fisher Scientific
PAGEgel PAGEgel, Inc.
PAGEr CBM Intellectual Properties, Inc.
PageRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pain-A-Rest North Safety Products
Pain-off Medique Products
PaintJet Hewlett-Packard
Pak-Alert Scott Technologies
Pak-Alert SE Scott Health and Safety
PakTeen CamelBak Produts
Pak-Tracker Scott Health and Safety
Pall Pall Corporation
Palletote Rubbermaid
Palm Palm, Inc.
Palm III Palm, Inc.
Palm OS Palm, Inc.
PalmPilot Palm, Inc.
pALTER Promega Corporation
Panalens H.L. Bouton
Panalite H.L. Bouton
Panasonic Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
Panaspec H.L. Bouton
Panaspec Plus H.L. Bouton
Panaview H.L. Bouton
Panomer Thermo Fisher Scientific
PANOMICS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Panther Survivair
Papette Wallach
Pap-Fix Plus Evergreen Scientific
Pappak Medical Packaging Corporation
PAPSPIN PHC Holding Corporation
PAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Para Streck Laboratories
Para 12 Streck Laboratories
Para 4 Streck Laboratories
Para Check Streck Laboratories
Para Tech Streck Laboratories
PARA/Gard Triangle Biomedical
Paraclear Scientific Device Laboratory
Para-Dex Fire-Dex
PARADISE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Parafilm American National Can
Parafilm American National Can Co.
Parafilm M American National Can
Paraflect Thermo Fisher Scientific
para-JEM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Parallel Dispense BioTek Instruments, Inc.
Parallel Vision Control Willson
Paralta Flex-O-Lite, Inc.
Paramax Baxter/Dade
ParaMelt Plus McCormick Scientific
Parameter R&D Systems, Inc.
Paramount Labconco
Para-Pak Meridian Diagnostics
Parapel PHC Holding Corporation
Paraplast Sherwood Medical
Para-Release PHC Holding Corporation
Parasep DiaSys Corporation
Parat C Draeger Safety
ParaTrimmer PHC Holding Corporation
PARIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Parker Parker domnick hunter
Parker domnick hunter Parker domnick hunter
Parker Hannifin Parker domnick hunter
Parlodion Mallinckrodt
Paros Horiba
Parr Parr Instrument Co.
Particle Vision High Yield Technology, Inc
Partisil Whatman Inc.
PARTISOL Thermo Fisher Scientific
PartiSphere Whatman Inc.
Partner Husqvarna Aktiebolag Corporation
PASCO Difco Laboratories
Pasport Pasco Scientific, Inc.
PAT Systec, Inc.
PAT Victrex plc
PathAmp Thermo Fisher Scientific
PATHATRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pathcentre PHC Holding Corporation
PathClones Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pathco Pathco Corporation
Pathfinder Hubbell Lighting
PATH-ID Thermo Fisher Scientific
Path-O-Cyte MP Biomedicals
PathoDx Thermo Fisher Scientific
PathoDxtra Thermo Fisher Scientific
PathoLept Thermo Fisher Scientific
PathoProof Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pathotec Thermo Fisher Scientific
Patrol Fit Perfect Fit Glove Co.
Patternables Learning Resources, Inc.
PawGard Ansell
PAXgene PreAnalytiX, GmbH
PAXgene PreAnalytiX Gmbh
PAY-PER-LANE SEQUENCING Thermo Fisher Scientific
pBESTluc Promega Corporation
PBI Celanese Group
PBI PBI Performance Products
PBI Gold Hoechst Celanese
pBLOCK-iT Thermo Fisher Scientific
pBluescript Stratagene
PB-MAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pc Simco
PC Link Brady Corporation
PC Poncho Curtis Computer Products
PC-1 BioWhittaker Molecular Applications
pCAT Promega Corporation
PCC-54 Thermo Fisher Scientific
pcDNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PCM MicroClimate Systems
PCM2000 Halyard Health
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card Internatio
pCold Takara Bio Inc.
PCR Bath Edvotek
PCR EdvoBeads Edvotek, Inc.
PCR Optimizer Thermo Fisher Scientific
PCR Tool Box Edvotek, Inc.
PCR/cycler Brinkmann Instruments
PcRack Simport Plastics
PCR-Select Clontech Laboratories, Inc.
PCT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PCTE GE Osmonics
PCVision Uvex Safety
PCX Micronova Manufacturing
PD-Direct Thermo Fisher Scientific
PD-Direct RevolutIon Thermo Fisher Scientific
PDE-Glo Promega Corporation
pDEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
PDI PDI/Nice-Pak Products, Inc.
pDISPLAY Thermo Fisher Scientific
pDONR Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEAC-WMD AristaTek
PEAKNET Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEAKS Bioinformatics Solutions Inc.
PearlWeave Safety Netting Pearlgreen Corporation
PE-CF594 Becton, Dickenson and Company
PE/Dazzle 594 Biolegend
PediaPals PediaPals, LLC
Peds Plus BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
PEEKsil SGE Analytical Science
Pefabloc Pentapharm Ltd.
Pefachrome Pentapharm Ltd.
PEGASUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pelican Pelican Products
PeliSpy Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pellet Pestle Kimble Kontes
Pellet Pestle Kontes Glass
Pellicon Merck KGaA
Pellon Pellon Corporation
Peltor Aearo Technologies
Pendaflex Esselte Corporation
Pen-Fix PHC Holding Corporation
Penguin With Mallet Icon SPEX SamplePrep
Penicylinder Fisher Scientific
PENLET Lifescan, Inc.
Pen-Ray UVP, LLC
Pentax Pentax Corporation
Pentel Pentel Kabushiki Kaisha
Pentium Intel Corporation
pENTR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pentra Horiba
PEP Harvard Apparatus
Pepcid AC Johnson & Johnson
PEPFINDER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEPLYN Parker domnick hunter
PEPMAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEPMATCH Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEPotec Thermo Fisher Scientific
PeppermintStick Thermo Fisher Scientific
PepSwift Thermo Fisher Scientific
PepTag Promega Corporation
Pepto-Bismol Procter & Gamble
PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PER.C6 Crucell Holland B.V.
PerCap Bilsom
Percoll GE Healthcare
PerCP-Vio700 Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
Perdrogen Honeywell
Perfect Fit Perfect Fit Glove Co.
Perfect RNA Eppendorf AG
PerFectin Genlantis
PerfectPiston Eppendorf AG
Perfectprep 5 PRIME
PerfectPure Eppendorf AG
PerfectShot TaKaRa Shuzo Co.
Perfektum Popper & Sons
Perfex Perfex Corporation
PerFit Bilsom
Perfit ACE Ambu International
PerFlex Bilsom
Performers Extra Perfect Fit Glove Co.
Performx Berkshire Corporation
Perimatic Jencons Scientific
Perimeter Tennessee Mat Company, Inc.
Perm/Wash BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Perma-Boss Accuform Signs
Permadry Binder GmbH
Permafluor Packard Instrument Co.
PermaFluor Perkin Elmer LAS, Inc.
Permafresh Rogers Corporation
Permafrost PHC Holding Corporation
Permanox Thermo Fisher Scientific
Permashield Brady Corporation
PermaSleeve Brady Corporation
PermaTack Tennessee Mat Company Inc
Permetch Kessler Instruments
Permflex TOWA Corporation
Permount Fisher Scientific
Peroxo-Block Thermo Fisher Scientific
PerpHecT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Personal Genome Machine Thermo Fisher Scientific
Personna American Safety Razor Co.
Personna Plus American Safety Razor Co.
Personna Safety Scalpel American Safety Razor Co.
PET Thermo Fisher Scientific
Peterson Field Guides Houghton Mifflin Co.
Peterson First Guides Houghton Mifflin Co.
Petri Pulser Harvard Apparatus
Petrifilm 3M Company
Petroflex Ansell
PetrOilQuant Thermo Fisher Scientific
Petzl Petzl, Inc.
PETZL Zedel Corporation
PE-Vio615 Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
PE-Vio770 Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
pFastBac Thermo Fisher Scientific
PFE-Xtra Kimberly Clark Corporation
Pfizer Pfizer, Inc.
PFS MARKETPLACE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PfuTurbo Stratagene
pFx Thermo Fisher Scientific
PGA Professional Golfers Association
pGAL Edvotek
pGEM Promega Corporation
pGEMEX Promega Corporation
pGeneClip Promega Corporation
pGloSensor Promega Corporation
PGM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pgp-Glo Promega Corporation
PH Doctor Thermo Fisher Scientific
PH MECHANIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ph.D. New England Biolabs
Phadebact Pharmacia Laboratories, Inc.
PHADIA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHADIATOP Thermo Fisher Scientific
Phantom Sellstrom Mfg.
Pharmacia GE Healthcare
PHARMACOSCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
PharmaFix Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pharmalyte GE Healthcare
PharmaPly Micronova Manufacturing
PharmaPure Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation
PharMed Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation
Pharmingen Pharmingen Corporation California (business unit of BD Biosciences)
Pharm-Trol Thermo Fisher Scientific
Phase Lock Gel Eppendorf AG
PHASEMAKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PhastGel GE Healthcare
PhastSystem GE Healthcare
PhastTransfer GE Healthcare
PH-DETECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Phen Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
Phenom Thermo Fisher Scientific
Phenomenex Phenomenex Inc.
Phenom Pharos Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHENOMWORLD Thermo Fisher Scientific
pHep Hanna Instruments
Philgas Phillips Petroleum Co.
Phire Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHISA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Phoenix BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Phoenix Phoenix Medical Technology
pHOOK Thermo Fisher Scientific
Phoretix Nonlinear Dynamics Limited
PHOSPHA-LIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PhosphoPlus New England Biolabs
PhosphoSet Thermo Fisher Scientific
PhosVer Hach Co.
PhotoDoc-It UVP, LLC
Photogel MP Biomedicals
PhotoMate Syagen Technology, Inc.
PhotoMAX Polaroid
Photometrics Roper Scientific, Inc.
Photoshop Adobe Systems Incorporated
Photosmart Hewlett-Packard
PhotoSpray AB SCIEX
PhotoTherm PhotoTherm L.P.
Phototope New England Biolabs
Photovac Photovac, Inc.
PHOTREX Avantor Performance Materials, Inc.
pHrodo Thermo Fisher Scientific
pHTestr Cole-Parmer Instrument Co.
PhusIon Thermo Fisher Scientific
pHydrion Micro Essential Laboratory
PhysioCare Concept Eppendorf AG
Physio-Control Physio-Control Corporation
PhysioTel Data Sciences International, Inc.
Phytone Thermo Fisher Scientific
PI RACK and DESIGN Bel-Art Products
Piccolo Abaxis
Piccolo Edvotek, Inc.
Piccolo Hanna Instruments
PichiaPink Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pick N Pluck Pelican Products
Pick-of-Life Angel-GUARD Products, Inc.
Pico Thermo Fisher Scientific
Picofluor Turner Designs
PicoFuge Stratagene
PicoGreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
PICOPURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
picoSpin Thermo Fisher Scientific
PicoView New Objective, Inc.
Picta Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pierce Thermo Fisher Scientific
Piko Thermo Fisher Scientific
PikoReal Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pillar Nippon Pillar Packaging Company, Ltd.
PilloMop Micronova Manufacturing
PillowPac Aearo Technologies
Pillow-Tip Chemtronics
Pinnacle I H.L. Bouton
Pinnacle II H.L. Bouton
Pinpoint Thermo Fisher Scientific
PinPoint Promega Corporation
Pinpointer North Safety Products
PIonEER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PIP Protective Industrial Products
PIP Array Echelon Biosciences
PIP Beads Echelon Biosciences
PIP MicroStrips Echelon Biosciences
PIP Strips Echelon Biosciences
PiPer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pipet Card Edvotek
Pipet Helper Brinkmann Instruments
Pipet Keeper Whitney Products, Inc.
Pipet Tip Extendor Sherwood Medical
Pipet-Aid Drummond Scientific
Pipetman Rainin Instrument Co., Inc.
PippinHT Sage Science, Inc.
PIQUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PIRL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pittcon The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette PG Publishing
PivotLink Miller by Sperian
PIXCELL Thermo Fisher Scientific
PixelPro Labo America, Inc.
pJTI Thermo Fisher Scientific
PLAC diaDexus, Inc.
Placentex Hoffmann-LaRoche Corporation
Plan Apo Nikon, Inc.
Plan Fluor Nikon, Inc.
PLANET Polaris Industries, Inc.
Planet Quest Learning Resources, Inc.
PlantCon MP Biomedicals
PlantSaver Whatman Inc.
PlasDIC Carl Zeiss AG
Plas-Labs Plas-Labs, Inc.
Plasma SHOT SPEX CertiPrep
PlasmaPrep Separation Technology, Inc.
PlasmaRotor StatSpin Technologies, Inc.
Plast-a-Cab SciMatCo
Plastic+Glas Buchi Labortechnik AG
Plasticine J.L. Hammett
Plasti-Mate S4J Manufacturing Services, Inc.
Plastisol Columbia Ribbon and Carbon
Plast-N-Glas Chemtronics
Plate+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
PlateCrane Hudson Control Group
PlateCrane SciClops Hudson Control Group
Platelin Organon Teknika B.V.
PlateLoc Velocity11
PlateMate Thermo Fisher Scientific
PLATEMAX Axygen, Inc
PlateSelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
PlateTrak PerkinElmer LAS, Inc.
PLATFORM FOR SCIENCE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Platinel Engelhard Industries
Platinum Thermo Fisher Scientific
Platinum Alltech Associates
Platinum EPS Alltech Associates
Plavix Sanofi-Synthelabo
Playtex Playtex Products
Pleats Plus Aearo Technologies
pLenti4/V5-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
pLenti6/UbC/V5-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
pLenti6/V5-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
PlexA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Plexiglas Rohm and Haas
PlexMark Thermo Fisher Scientific
Plexor Promega Corporation
Plug Base Howard Leight
Plug Depot Howard Leight
Plug Tails American Allsafe Co.
PlugStation Moldex-Metric, Inc.
Pluronic BASF Corporation
PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Plus/8 Eppendorf AG
PlusCellect R&D Systems, Inc.
Plus-Fifty Ansul, Inc.
Plysu FSI North America
pMH Roche Diagnostics
PMI Pigeon Mountain Industries
PMIR-REPORT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PMP Parter Medical Products, Inc.
Pneumoslide BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Pneusak COM-PAC International
Pocket Bilsom
Pocket Accent Sanford Corporation
Pocket Colorimeter Hach Co.
Pocket Pal Hach Co.
PockeTester LaMotte Chemical Products Co.
Pocket-Pak Moldex-Metric, Inc.
Pocket-Size Control Company
POCKETTIPS Thermo Fisher Scientific
POCkit Diagnology Inc.
PodPlugs Aearo Technologies
PointGuard Performance Fabrics, Inc.
Point-Lok Devon Industries, Inc.
PolaBlue Polaroid
PolaChrome Polaroid
PolaColor Polaroid
PolaGraph Polaroid
PolaPan Polaroid
Polar North Safety Products
Polar Bear Ansell
Polar Hood Howard Leight
Polar Pack SCA Packaging North America
Polara Thermo Fisher Scientific
PolarHeat Energy Beam Sciences, Inc.
Polari Thermo Fisher Scientific
Polaris Johnson Worldwide Associates, Inc.
Polaroid Polaroid
PolarSafe Argos Technologies
PolarScreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
Polartec Malden Mills
POLBAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pole Patterns Dowling Magnets
POLTIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Polx Berkshire Corporation
Poly(A)Purist Thermo Fisher Scientific
Poly(A)Purist Ambion, Inc.
PolyATtract Promega Corporation
Polyblend Bata Shoe Co.
Polybuffer GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
Polycap The Whatman Group
Polydisc The Whatman Group
Poly-Dolly Enpac Corporation
PolyDuramide Cambrex Corporation
Polyette Standard Safety Equipment Co.
Polyfiltronics The Whatman Group
Poly-Flow 800 North American Fire Hose Corporation
Polygard Merck KGaA
Polygen Applied Materials, Inc.
PolyGen Micronova Manufacturing
Poly-Guard American Allsafe Co.
PolyHis Thermo Fisher Scientific
PolyLab Thermo Fisher Scientific
Poly-Labpack Enpac Corporation
Poly-Labtray Enpac Corporation
PolyLite The Coleman Co.
Polymax Bata Shoe Co.
Polymed Sempermed USA, Inc.
Polymedco Polymedco Inc.
PolyMitt Micronova Manufacturing
Polymorphprep Nycomed Amersham International
Polynit Contec Inc.
Poly-Overpack Enpac Corporation
PolyPac Fisher Scientific
PolyPail Funnel Enpac Corporation
PolyPaper Thermo Fisher Scientific
Polypeptone Thermo Fisher Scientific
PolyRamp Enpac Corporation
Polysafe Willson
Polysafeplus Willson
PolySafetypack Enpac Corporation
Polysat Texwipe
Poly-Seal Poly-Seal Corporation
Polyseed InterBio
Polyseed NX InterBio
PolyShield Safeskin Corporation
Polysine PHC Holding Corporation
PolySorp Thermo Fisher Scientific
Poly-Spill Ramp Enpac Corporation
Poly-Spillpallet Enpac Corporation
POLYSPRING Thermo Fisher Scientific
PolyStinger Streamlight, Inc.
Polytet Cambridge Diagnostic Products, Inc.
PolyTox InterBio
Polytron Kinematica AG
Polytuff QRP, Inc.
PolyVent Whatman Inc.
PolyWear PolyConversions
Polywipe Contec Inc.
PONG Atari Corporation
Pop Up UltraTech International
POP-4 Thermo Fisher Scientific
POP-6 Thermo Fisher Scientific
POP-7 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pop-It Kemtec Educational Corporation
POPO Thermo Fisher Scientific
POP-ONE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popper Popper & Sons
PO-PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Popsicle Lipton Investments, Inc.
pOptiVEC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pop-Up Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Porelle Porvair Ltd. Co.
Poretics GE Osmonics
POREX Porex Corporation
Poron World Properties, Inc.
Poros Thermo Fisher Scientific
Porta Stream Fendall, Inc.
PortaCount TSI Incorporated
Port-A-Cul BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Porta-Lab Global Market Connections
PortAll Genisus Systems, Inc.
Porta-Pad Centuri Engineering Company
PortaSens Analytical Technologies Inc.
Portex Smiths Medical
Portogram Ohaus Corporation
PosiChek3 Bacou-Dalloz
Posi-Click Denville Scientific
Positive Touch Allegiance Corporation
Positope Thermo Fisher Scientific
Post-It 3M Company
Pottie-Pal Kebore, LLC
PourMatic New Brunswick Scientific
PourRite Hach Co.
Powder Pack Orbeco-Hellige
Powder Pack Sqwincher Corporation
Powder Pop HF Scientific
Powdertainer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Power Thermo Fisher Scientific
Power Export BioTek Instruments, Inc.
Power Hawk Curtis-Wright Flight Systems
Power Hold Arrow Engineering
Power Mac Apple, Inc.
Power of Science Learning Resources, Inc.
Power Panel Positioner Ergodyne Corporation
Power Pro DEB SBS Inc.
Power Pusher Curtis-Wright Flight Systems
Power Solids Learning Resources, Inc.
PowerBase Thermo Fisher Scientific
Powerbook Apple, Inc.
PowerCHO Cambrex Corporation
PowerCoat Perfect Fit Glove Co.
PowerCom Plus Cabot Safety
Powercuff Perfect Fit Glove Co.
PowerDry KNF Neuberger
PowerEase Thermo Fisher Scientific
Powered by Affymetrix Thermo Fisher Scientific
Powerflex Andover Coated Products
PowerFlex Ansell
PowerGen Fisher Scientific
PowerGrab TOWA Corporation
PowerGrip Microflex Medical
PowerHead Micronova Manufacturing
Powerheart Cardiac Science Corporation
PowerLite Epson
PowerLoad Thermo Fisher Scientific
PowerMark Brady Corporation
Powerpette Jencons Scientific
PowerPlex Promega Corporation
PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
Power-Pro LaCrosse Rainfair Safety Products
PowerReports BioTek Instruments, Inc.
PowerShot Canon
PowerStation Edvotek
Powerstop Handle U.S. Oil Co., Inc.
Powertoprotect Safeskin Corporation
PowerTyper Promega Corporation
PowerUp Thermo Fisher Scientific
PowerWave BioTek Instruments, Inc.
POWERX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Powr-Glo Brady Corporation
Poxygrid Bel-Art Products
PPE-Coach Safety Software, Inc.
PPE-LOG Safety Software, Inc.
P-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PPL-SEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
PQD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Praxair Praxair Technology
Praxis Praxis, Inc.
Precinorm Boehringer Mannheim
Precipath Boehringer Mannheim
Precis Thermo Fisher Scientific
Precise Thermo Fisher Scientific
Precise Labconco
PrecisIon Thermo Fisher Scientific
Precision Abbott Labs
Precision BioTek Instruments, Inc.
Precision Heidolph Brinkmann
Precision 5000 Applied Materials, Inc.
Precision Barrier Fisher Container Corporation
Precision Clean Fisher Container Corporation
Precision Clean-Tear Fisher Container Corporation
Precision Power BioTek Instruments, Inc.
Precision Protein Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Precision Pulse Harvard Apparatus
Precision Shrink Fisher Container Corporation
Precision Snap-Tear Fisher Container Corporation
Precision Stat Fisher Container Corporation
Precision Wipes Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Precisionacquire Precision Detectors Inc.
Precisionanalyze Precision Detectors Inc.
Precisiondeconcolve Precision Detectors Inc.
PrecisionGlide BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Precisionware Bel-Art Products
PRECLEAR Gentra Systems
Predictor Thermo Fisher Scientific
PreDictor GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
Prefil Stanbio Laboratory
PreFill Covidien (Kendall Healthcare)
PRELUDE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRELUDE LX-4 MD Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRELUDE MD Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRELUDE SPLC Thermo Fisher Scientific
PremAire MSA
Prematex CCP Industries
Premier Armstrong Medical
Premier Dalloz Safety
Premier Jencons Scientific
Premier Meridian Diagnostics
Premier Tingley Rubber Corporation
Premiere MAPA Pioneer Corporation
PremIon Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRE-MIR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Premo Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prep/Scale Merck KGaA
Prep2Seq Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrepAid SPEX SamplePrep
Prepclean Georgia Steel and Chemical
PREPEASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PREPFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prepfiler BTA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prepfiler Express Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrepFiler Express BTA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrepFiler Lysep Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrepMan Thermo Fisher Scientific
PREP-N-GO Thermo Fisher Scientific
PREPOR Parker domnick hunter
PREPOR GF Parker domnick hunter
PREPOR PES Parker domnick hunter
PrepSep Fisher Scientific
PREPSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrepStar Varian, Inc.
Presario Compaq Computer Corporation
PreScission GE Healthcare
Presentation Link Texas Instruments
PreSep GE Osmonics
PreservaFree Bradley Corporation
Preslok Dalloz Safety
PRESS AND SHOOT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Press-and-Close Uniflex, Inc.
Press-Tight Restek Corporation
Press-to-Seal Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
PREST BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Presto Zymark Corporation
PrestoBlue Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prevail Alltech Associates
Prevail Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Prevail Willson
Prima Thermo Fisher Scientific
Primair North Safety Products
PrimaPure Genlantis
Primaria BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Primaris Imation Corporation
Primary Time Teacher Learning Resources, Inc.
Primatone Quest International
Prime Alert Scott Health and Safety
PrimeA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prime-a-Gene Promega Corporation
PRIMEFLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prime-It Stratagene
PrimeMate Labconco
Primer Ohaus Corporation
Primer Designer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Primer Express Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIMER FOCUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Primer Support GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
PrimeSTAR Takara Bio Inc.
PRIMEVIEW Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrimeView GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
Primo Thermo Fisher Scientific
Primo Star Carl Zeiss AG
Princo Princo Instruments
PrintMate PHC Holding Corporation
PrintMatic Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories
PrintOver Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories
PRIOCHECK Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrioCLIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrioGENIZER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIonICS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prism Precision Laboratories
Prism Perfect Willson
Prius Toyota Motor Corporation
Prizm American Allsafe Co.
Pro Servus
Pro System Willson
Pro Warrington Norcross Safety Products
Pro/Pak Task Force Tips
ProAir Draeger Safety
PROAMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
Proban Albright & Wilson UK Ltd.
ProbeClean International Test Solutions
ProbeOn Fisher Scientific
ProbeQuant GE Healthcare
ProbesOnLine Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProbeTec BD Diagnostics
ProBind BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
ProBlott Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProBond Thermo Fisher Scientific
Probot Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROCARTAPLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProCell GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
Processor Whatman Inc.
PROCHEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProClean E.I. duPont de Nemours
PRO-Clean Hygiena International
ProClin Rohm and Haas Company
ProComm Datastorm Technologies
Procount Streck Laboratories
ProCulture LabGlass
Prodigy Thermo Fisher Scientific
Producer Applied Materials, Inc.
ProEars Howard Leight
ProFection Promega Corporation
Profile Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Profile LifeScan, Inc.
Profile NVG Eye Safety Systems
PROFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROFILER PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProfilER S.O.B. Biosite Diagnostics, Inc.
Profill Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRO-FIXX PHC Holding Corporation
PROFLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProFlex Ergodyne Corporation
ProFlexx Ferno Washington
PROFLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProFluor Promega Corporation
ProFlux Merck KGaA
PROFOUND Thermo Fisher Scientific
Progard Merck KGaA
ProgramLink Ohaus Corporation
Proguard Decon Laboratories
PRO-HOOD W.H. Salisbury
Projx Berkshire Corporation
PROLENE Ethicon, Inc.
Prolex PRO-LAB Diagnostics
Proline Biohit Oy
ProLine SBS Products
ProLine Walter Kidde
ProLok Willson
ProLong Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProMed Detecto
Promega Promega Corporation
ProMega-Markers Promega Corporation
Promethean Richard Sandler
Prominence Shimadzu
Prompt BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Pronase Merck KGaA
Pronestyl E.R. Squibb & Sons
Pronto 3M Company
ProofStart Qiagen
ProPac Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProPlate Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
ProPlus Raytek Corporation
ProPolymer Streamlight, Inc.
PROPOR Domnick Hunter
PROPOR Parker domnick hunter
PROPOR PES Parker domnick hunter
Pro-Q Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROQUANTUM Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProQuest Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROSAT Contec Inc.
PROSAT Sterile Contec Inc.
Pro-Sect Nasco International, Inc.
Prosep Merck KGaA
Proseries BioWhittaker Molecular Applications
ProShield E.I. duPont de Nemours
ProSieve Cambrex Corporation
ProSightPC Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROSIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProSolv Justrite Mfg. Co.
ProSorb Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProSpecT Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProSphere Alltech Associates
Prospore Raven Biological Laboratories
ProStar Varian, Inc.
ProSwift Thermo Fisher Scientific
Protégé Bacou-Dalloz
Protease-Glo Promega Corporation
Proteasome-Glo Promega Corporation
ProTech CMC Rescue
Protech Pro-Tech Professional Products
ProtectAide Protectaide
Protecting What Matters Most Fisher Scientific
Protecting Your Laboratory Environment Labconco
Protective Industrial Products Protective Industrial Products
Protector Labconco
PROtector MAPA Pioneer Corporation
Protector Pelican Products
Protector ClassMate Labconco
Protector Premier Labconco
Protector XStream Labconco
Protectoseal Protectoseal
Protecto-Shield Willson
Protegrity Cardinal Health
Protein ExpressIon Medium Thermo Fisher Scientific
Protein Grade Calbiochem Novabiochem Corporation
Protein InstaStain Edvotek, Inc.
Protein Medleys Clontech Laboratories, Inc.
Protein Plus Edvotek
Protein Thermal Melt Thermo Fisher Scientific
Protein Thermal Shift Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProteinAssist Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProteinCenter Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProteinChips Ciphergen
PROTEINSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProTemp Pep Boys
ProteoLink Promega Corporation
Proteome Discoverer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Proteome Profiler R&D Systems, Inc.
Proteome Purify R&D Systems, Inc.
Proteus Thermo Fisher Scientific
Protex-Ray Owner: Uniflex, Inc.
ProTime ITC
Protinol Advanced Instruments, Inc.
ProtoArray Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROTOCOL Fisher Scientific
Protocols Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProtocolWriter Transgenomic, Inc.
Proton Thermo Fisher Scientific
Proton Scott Health and Safety
ProtoPlex Thermo Fisher Scientific
Protran GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
Protran Scheicher and Schuell
ProTuf Ansell
ProVent Kappler USA
Provision Bacou-Dalloz
ProWarrington Total Fire Group
PROWATCH Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRO-WEAR W.H. Salisbury Corporation
ProWeigh Environmental Express
Pro-Wipe Berkshire Corporation
Prowler Enpac Corporation
ProZorb Contec Inc.
PRP Hamilton Co.
PSAT College Entrance Examination Board
PSAT/NMSQT College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation
PSC ScoreCard Thermo Fisher Scientific
pSCREEN-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pseudosel BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
pSHOOTER Thermo Fisher Scientific
psiCHECK Promega Corporation
PSILENCER Thermo Fisher Scientific
psiLentGene Promega Corporation
psiSTRIKE Promega Corporation
PSSA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PS-Speck Thermo Fisher Scientific
pTARGET Promega Corporation
PTC-200 MJ Research
PTL Aearo Technologies
P-Touch Brother International
pTRACER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PTS Panels Polymer Technology Systems, Inc.
PUBGO & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pulsar Heat Systems, Inc.
Pulsator Sims Portex Inc.
Pulse Time MDF
Pumpmatic Ashton Pumpmatic
PumpPro Watson-Marlow
Punctur-Guard ICU Medical
Punxsutawney Phil Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Inc.
Pupil Cam Ken-A-Vision Mfg. Co.
Puradisc The Whatman Group
Pura-Fit Moldex-Metric, Inc.
Puratronic Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pur-Comfort Tennessee Mat Company Inc
Pure Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pure BioRobotix Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pure Data for a Healthy Planet YSI Inc.
Pure Flow 1000 Fendall, Inc.
Pure Via Whole Earth Sweetener Company
Purebond Entegris
PureFit Perfect Fit Glove Co.
pureGene Gentra Systems
pureGrade BRAND GMBH + CO KG
PureLink Thermo Fisher Scientific
Purell GOJO Industries
PUREPAK Purepak Technologies
PurePeak Thermo Fisher Scientific
PureSorb Berkshire Corporation
Pure-Vu Labconco
PURE WATER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Purewipe American Fiber and Finishing, Inc.
PureYield Promega Corporation
PuriCare Labconco
Purifier Labconco
Puritan Hardwood Products
Purospher The Merck Group
Purple Knight Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Purple Nitrile Halyard Health
Purple Nitrile-XTRA Halyard Health
PURSWAB Hardwood Products
Purus Purus International, Inc.
Pur-Wraps Hardwood Products
Push Point Kontes Glass
Push-Ins Aearo Technologies
Pushpoint Kontes Glass
PuzzleMaker Discovery Communications, Inc.
PVA Ansell
pVAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PVDFPlus GE Osmonics
Pylox MAPA Pioneer Corporation
Pyralin E.I. duPont de Nemours
Pyramex Pyramex Safety
Pyrex Corning
PyrexPlus Corning
Pyroceram Corning
Pyro-Clean Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pyrofax PyroFax Gas Corporation
Pyrogard Merck KGaA
Pyrolite Akron Brass
Pyrosequencing Biotage
Pyrotell Associates of Cape Cod, Incorporated
Pyrotone Elizabeth Webbing Mills
Python Dalloz Fall Protection
pZerO Thermo Fisher Scientific