Trademark Trademark Holder
J.E. Weinel J.E. Weinel
J.T. Baker Avantor Performance Materials, Inc.
Jackson™ Safety Jackson Safety
JADE Alltech Associates
Jasco Jasco Corporation
Java JavaScript Sun Microsystems
Javelin Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jaz Iomega Corporation
Jazz Band Moldex-Metric, Inc.
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JCL JCL Clinical Reasearch Corporation
JELL-O Kraft Foods, Inc.
Jencons Jencons
Jeol Jeol, Ltd.
Jeopardy! Jeopardy Productions, Inc.
Jet Stix Estes Industries
Jet Stream Decon Laboratories
JETZ Moldex-Metric, Inc.
Jewett Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jiffy-Jack Cole-Parmer Instrument Co.
Jitterbug Boekel Scientific
J-KEM J-KEM Scientific
Job Builder Thermo Fisher Scientific
Job Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jobst Jobst Institute, Inc
JOE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson
Jomac Jomac Inc.
Jonathan Corey Whispering Pines Sportswear, Inc.
JO-PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jordi MicroSolv Technology Corporation
Jornada Hewlett-Packard
Jr. Streamlight, Inc.
JRT Scott Paper Company
Jump-In Thermo Fisher Scientific
JUN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Junkyard Dog Perfect Fit Glove Co.
Junkyard Wars Discovery Communications, Inc.
Just Add Water Hach Co.
Justip Socorex
JUSTPURE Fisher Scientific
Justrite Justrite Mfg. Co.
Justrite Aerovent Justrite Mfg. Co.
JV JV Manufacturing
JVC Victor Company of Japan