Trademark Trademark Holder
I InterBio
I Plate BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
I.D. PRO Brady Corporation
i.Lon Echelon Corporation
I/O Willson
I/P Cole-Parmer Instrument Co.
IB Porex Corporation
IBASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
IBD-CHEK Techlab Enteric Diagnostics
IBD-SCAN Techlab Enteric Diagnostics
iBind Thermo Fisher Scientific
IBLAZE Thermo Fisher Scientific
I-BLOCK Thermo Fisher Scientific
iBlot Thermo Fisher Scientific
iBook Macintosh
iBox Explorer UVP, LLC
iBox Scentia UVP, LLC
IBRIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
IC Cube Thermo Fisher Scientific
IC PURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
iCAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
iCassette Instant Technologies, Inc.
ICAT University of Washington, Seattle, USA
iCE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ICE 2.4 Eye Safety Systems
IceAssure 3M Company
Ice-It PHC Holding Corporation
IC-Green Akorn, Inc.
iCharge Advanced Charger Technology
I-Chem Thermo Fisher Scientific
I-Chem Certified Thermo Fisher Scientific
ICN MP Biomedicals
ICON Hybritech
Icon Tingley Rubber Corporation
I-CORE Cepheid Corporation
ICRI Communications-Applied Technology
ICS5000+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ictotest Bayer Corporation
Icy Blue Ones American Allsafe Co.
iCycler iQ Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
ID Pal Brady Corporation
Idea Factory Learning Resources, Inc.
Ideal Beckman Instruments
IdealMat Texwipe
IdeaShare General Binding Corporation
IDEIA Thermo Fisher Scientific
IDENTIFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
IdentiFINDER ICX Technologies GmbH, a FLIR Systems, Inc. subsidiary
IdentiFINDER 2 ICX Technologies GmbH, a FLIR Systems, Inc. subsidiary
IDENTILAB Brady Corporation
Identi-Plug Jaece Industries
IDEV Thermo Fisher Scientific
IDXPERT Brady Corporation
IFD Whatman Inc.
IgE DROP Thermo Fisher Scientific
IgE ImmunoCAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
IgE ImmunoCAP Is it allergy? Thermo Fisher Scientific
iGels Gradipore Limited
IGEN IGEN International
IGEPAL General Dyestuff Corporation
IL Instrumentation Laboratory
illustra GE Healthcare
Illustrator Adobe Systems Incorporated
I-Loc Wheaton Inc.
iLoupe Aven, Inc.
imac Apple, Inc.
Image-1 Universal Imaging Corporation
Imageexpress Graphic Enterprises Inc.
ImageEZE Spectronics Corporation
Image-iT Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImageMate SanDisk Corporation
IMAGEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImaGene BioDiscovery, Inc.
ImaGene Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImaGene Red Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImageQuant GE Healthcare
Imager I Scott Eagle
Imager II Scott Eagle
ImagiCalc ImagiWorks Inc.
ImagiGraph ImagiWorks Inc.
ImagiLab ImagiWorks Inc.
ImagiMath ImagiWorks Inc.
ImagiProbe ImagiWorks Inc.
ImagiSolve ImagiWorks Inc.
ImagiWorks ImagiWorks Inc.
Imaris Bitplane AG Corporation
iMATCH Thermo Fisher Scientific
Imation Imation Corporation
Imject Thermo Fisher Scientific
Immage Beckman Coulter Inc.
imMedia Thermo Fisher Scientific
Immobile-Vac CMC Rescue
Immobiline GE Healthcare
Immobilizer Exiqon A/S, Vedbaek, Denmark
Immobilon Merk Millipore Corporation
Immulon Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImmuMark MP Biomedicals
Immu-Mount PHC Holding Corporation
Immunex Carter-Wallace Inc.
ImmunO MP Biomedicals
ImmunoCard Meridian Diagnostics
Immuno-Brite Beckman Coulter
ImmunoCAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImmunoCAP ISAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImmunoCAP Molecular Allergology Thermo Fisher Scientific
IMMUNOCAP RAPID Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImmunoCard STAT! Meridian Bioscience
ImmunoDip Diagnostic Chemicals, Ltd.
ImmunoDOT Gen-Bio
immunoGrade BRAND GMBH + CO KG
Immunopore GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
Immunosimplicity Diamedix Corporation
ImmunoStat Whittaker M.A. Bioproducts, Inc.
IMMUNO-TROL Beckman Coulter
ImmunoWare Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImmunoWELL General Biometrics, Inc.
Immun-Star Bio-Rad
ImmuTROL International Enzymes, Inc.
Imodium Johnson & Johnson
Impact Bilsom
Impact Omniglow Corporation
Impact Rubella Carter-Wallace Inc.
Impacto Safeguard Technologies
Imperial Thermo Fisher Scientific
Implus Implus Corporation
ImProm-II Promega Corporation
imPULSE Thermo Fisher Scientific
IMx Abbott Labs
InCal Ohaus Corporation
InCELLect Promega Corporation
InCert FMC Corporation
Inchworms Learning Resources, Inc.
Inclination Technology Labconco
Inconel Inco Alloys International
IncuSoft GSLE Development Corporation
Indiko Thermo Fisher Scientific
INDIKOPLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
IndoZin Thermo Fisher Scientific
Indura Westex Inc.
Industrial Scientific Industrial Scientific
INDX Integrated Diagnostics, Inc.
Inertsil GL Sciences, Inc.
Infecon COM-PAC International
Inficon Inficon Leybold-Heraeus
Infinite Tecan Group AG
Infinity Thermo Fisher Scientific
Infinity Rubbermaid
Infinity Sigma-Aldrich Co LLC
InFit Mettler Toledo
Influx Thermo Fisher Scientific
InfoTherm Scott Health and Safety
IntegenX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Infradura Bacou-Dalloz
Infratec Foss A/S
Infusion Harness Harvard Apparatus
Ingenio Mirus Corporation
InGuard Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inhibigen Thermo Fisher Scientific
InjectMan Eppendorf AG
InkJet Hewlett-Packard
InLab Mettler Toledo
In-Line Quidel Corporation
Inlinepolyspillpallot Enpac Corporation
Innerzone Eye Safety Systems
InnoCal Cole-Parmer Instrument Co.
INNOphase Hewlett-Packard
Innova New Brunswick Scientific
Innovac Innovative Medical Technologies, Inc.
Innovating Science Aldon Corporation
inoLab WTW Measurement Systems
InPouch BioMed Diagnostics, Inc.
Inquisitor Oxford GlycoSciences
INRatio HemoSense, Inc.
In-Room Covidien (Kendall Healthcare)
Insectagro Mediatech, Inc.
InsectSelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
Insect-XPRESS Cambrex Corporation
Inside Supply Management Institute for Supply Management, Inc.
INSIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Insight Thermo Fisher Scientific
Insight Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
INSIGNIon Thermo Fisher Scientific
inSITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
InSite Hygiena International
InSlide Out Boekel Scientific
InSpeck Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inspect Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inspect S Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inspect3D Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inspection Manager TISCOR (Brady Subsidiary)
Inspector Alert International Medcom
InspectR Contec Inc.
INSPIRE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Insta-Chek Micro Essential Laboratory
InsTAclone Thermo Fisher Scientific
Insta-Gard Cardinal Health
Insta-Glucose Valeant Pharmaceuticals International
INSTANT ELISA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Instant Ocean Aquarium Systems, Inc.
InstantBlue PAGEgel, Inc.
InstantOne ELISA Thermo Fisher Scientific
InstantPlus Boehringer Mannheim
Instant-View Alfa Scientific Designs, Inc.
InstaStain Edvotek
Insta-Test LaMotte Chemical Products Co.
Instatherm Ace Glass
Instill Dow Chemical
Instromark TimeMed Labeling Systems
Instrument Quality Seastar Chemicals, Inc.
Instrument Specific Porex Corporation
InsulatedShipper Tegrant Corporation
Insulator Ansell
InSure FIT Enterix Inc.
Intacta Dow Chemical
INTEGENX Thermo Fisher Scientific
IntegenX and Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
Integra Thermo Fisher Scientific
Integra High Five
Integra Integra Miltex
Integral Perkin Elmer
Integral MigratIon Path Thermo Fisher Scientific
Integrid BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Integritest Merck KGaA
INTEGRITY Thermo Fisher Scientific
Intel Intel Corporation
Intel Atom Intel Corporation
Intelagard Intelagard, Inc.
IntelliGene TaKaRa Mirus Bio
IntelliPower Thermo Fisher Scientific
Intelliscan Pictronics Corporation
Intellisense SurVivaLink Corporation
Intelli-Sense Labconco
IntelliShutter Thermo Fisher Scientific
Intellishutter Scott Instruments
IntelliSource Thermo Fisher Scientific
Intellution Intellution, Inc.
InTENSity Roscoe Medical
Interlocking Ring Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
InterMetro InterMetro Industries
Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation
Interrogator AB SCIEX
Intramedic BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Intra-Well Calibration Technology Zeus Scientific, Inc.
InTray BioMed Diagnostics, Inc.
IntrLogic Thermo Fisher Scientific
Invader Rubbermaid
Invertoskop Carl Zeiss AG
InVitro Thermo Fisher Scientific
Invitrogen Thermo Fisher Scientific
Invitrolon Thermo Fisher Scientific
Invitrosol Thermo Fisher Scientific
Invivofectamine Thermo Fisher Scientific
Iomega Iomega Corporation
Ion 16S Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 314 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 316 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 318 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 321 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 421 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 510 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 520 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 521 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 530 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 540 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 550 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion AmpliSeq Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion CHEF Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Chip Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion GeneStudio Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Library Equalizer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion MAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion OneTouch Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion PGM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion PI Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion PII Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion PQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Proton Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Reporter Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion REPROSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion S5 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion SHEAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion SINGLESEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Sphere Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion TAGSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion TEMPLATE 314 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion TORRENT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion TORRENT S5 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion TrueMate Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion XPRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
IonCODE Thermo Fisher Scientific
IonOGRAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
IonPac Thermo Fisher Scientific
IonPhor Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ionplus Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ionpure IP Holding Co.
IonSwift Thermo Fisher Scientific
iOS Cisco
IOTest Beckman Coulter
iPad Apple, Inc.
iPAQ Compaq Computer Corporation
I-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
IPGphor GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
IPGRunner Thermo Fisher Scientific
iPhone Apple, Inc.
iPod Apple, Inc.
iPrep Thermo Fisher Scientific
I-Prin Textilease
iPro 5000 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Iprotab North Safety Products
iQ5 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
IQUANT Thermo Fisher Scientific
IR/PC Willson
Iradecon Decon Laboratories
IRDye LI-COR Biosciences
Irganox Ciba
Iris Iris International
Iron Eagle Tingley Rubber Corporation
IS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ISAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
I-SAGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ISCBA Scott Health and Safety
iScreen Instant Technologies, Inc.
ISIS MDL Information Systems
IsmaTec IsmaTec Corporation
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IsoBlue MP Biomedicals
IsoClean E.I. duPont de Nemours
ISO-Filters BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
IsoFlow Beckman Coulter
IsoGel FMC Corporation
Isolator Wrap Thermo Fisher Scientific
Isolink Thermo Fisher Scientific
Isolon Fisher Scientific
Isolyse Coulter International Corporation
Isopar Exxon Corporation
ISO-POD TVI Corporation
Isopore Merck KGaA
Iso-Shield MP Biomedicals
Isotemp Fisher Scientific
Isotherm E.D. Bullard
Isoton Coulter International Corporation
IsoVitaleX BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
iSpark Thermo Fisher Scientific
ISQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
I-STAT I-STAT Corporation
iTEVA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ITK Thermo Fisher Scientific
iTR Thermo Fisher Scientific
iTRAQ AB Sciex
Itronix Itronix Corporation
ITS BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
ITS+ BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
iTunes Apple, Inc.
ITW ALMA Alma, Inc.
ITW Chemtronics Chemtronics
iTX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ivarest Blistex, Inc.
Ivy Screen North Safety Products
Ivy X ISIS Investment Inc.
IvyBlock EnviroDerm Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
IvyCleanse EnviroDerm Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
IvySoothe EnviroDerm Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Iwaki Iwaki Co., Ltd.
iWestern Thermo Fisher Scientific
iXR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Izone Polaroid