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Sklar Instruments Aluminum Alloy Tuning Fork, C-128, EA.
Supplier: Sklar Instruments 677128
Aluminum Alloy Tuning Fork, C-128, EA. Sklar tuning forks are a two-tine, U-shaped instrument made of aluminum alloy used to examine and evaluate multiple medical conditions in both traditional and alternative medicine. Traditionally tuning forks have been used to examine hearing and evaluate neurological disorders. Today they are used to promote relaxation, relieve pain, and improve mental and physical balance. Tunig forks are available in multiple frequencies and are commonly stamped with a note and frequency where the base of the tines meet the handle. Some tuning forks are weighted and have a round weight at the end of each tine. These are typically used to address physical issues. Unweighted forks are used with the ears and around the body. This product is a weighted C-128 tuning fork. It emits a low pitch and is commonly used in neurological testing.
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